WHO/WPCA Global Atlas of Palliative Care

Tue, 01/28/2014

The World Health Organization and the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance today published the Global Atlas of Palliative Care at the End of Life. The Atlas is the first document to identify the need for and availability of palliative care globally.


Ethiopia Ratifies the FCTC

Tue, 01/28/2014

From the WHO-AFRO.

On the 21st of January, the Ethiopian legislation ratified the FCTC thanks to the advocacy of national partners.

Click here for the full article


Disability must be in post-2015 agenda, say experts

Fri, 01/17/2014

Experts urge the UK Department for International Development (DfID) to produce an overall strategy for disability, and prioritise the issue in the future development framework and aid allocation.

Click here to read more via The Guardian.


HCC President Knighted in Barbados

Fri, 01/17/2014

Congratulations to Healthy Caribbean Coalition President, Professor Sir Trevor Hassell, on being awarded Knighthood in Barbados! The NCD Alliance is pleased to work together with HCC and Professor Sir Hassell as we advance the fight against NCDs in the Caribbean region.

Read more about this honor here.


ODI publishes 'Future Diets' Report

Fri, 01/03/2014

Given the dramatic increase in the numbers of overweight or obese people in the past 30 years, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) has published a new report, Future Diets, which traces how the changes in diet - more fat, more meat, more sugar and bigger portions - have led to a looming health crisis.


World health experts propose to halve sugar consumption

Thu, 01/02/2014

Recent newspaper coverage reports that the World Health Organisation is considering new guidlines that would halve the amount of sugar that it recommends people should have in their diet.

A confidential draft paper agreed by WHO experts states and leaked to the The Sunday Times proposes that there should be a “reduction of free sugars intake to 5% or less of total energy”.

Many obesity and health experts say such a change cannot come quickly enough, given skyrocketing obesity rates across the globe.


Final Draft of the Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020

Thu, 01/28/2016

After months of consultations with relevant stakeholders and a discussion at the 66th World Health Assembly in May 2013, Member States endorsed a final draft of the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013-2020.


The Recife Political Declaration on Human Resources for Health

Thu, 11/21/2013

The Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health (the Forum) was one of the main global health events in 2013, bringing together over 1000 policy makers, experts and advocates in the health workforce field, and frontline health workers.

The  theme was Human Resources for Health: foundation for Universal Health Coverage and the post-2015 development agenda. Organised by the Global Health Workforce Allance in Recife, Brazil, from 10-13 November 2013 in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, WHO and PAHO.


WHF launches Emerging Leaders Programme to support CVD advocacy

Wed, 11/20/2013

The World Heart Federation has launched the Emerging Leaders Programme, a new programme to support the development of experts who will collaborate, research and act to reduce premature mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) globally by at least 25% by 2025.

For more information and to apply to be an Emerging Leader, please click here.

