Registrations for 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health Now Open

Thu, 06/26/2014

Registrations for 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health  from 28th October - 1st November in Barcelona, Spain, are now open

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East Africa Initiative Stakeholder Meeting - Charter calls for Global Action

Mon, 06/16/2014

This week's three-day East African meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) has drawn a charter calling for global action to inform the fight against chronic diseases.

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Global disease burden and funding – explaining the disparities

Mon, 06/16/2014

In 2011, $7.7 billion was allocated to HIV/AIDS projects, while malaria, TB, and maternal, newborn and child health received $1.8 billion, $1.3 billion, and $6.1 billion respectively. NCDs received only 1.5% of all health aid. Sam Byfield explores the resons for these disparities in funding.

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Fifth Annual Report of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition

Fri, 06/13/2014

The Healthy Caribeban Coalition has published its fifth annual report, for the year 2013.

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Action on Sugar: UK Fizzy Drinks Survey

Thu, 06/12/2014

Action on Sugar have released data highlighting both the astonishingly high sugar content, and the variation in sugars, between different sugar-sweetened carbonated soft drinks available in the UK, and are calling for sugar reduction targets to be set by the Department of Health.

More info: Press Release

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Uganda NCD Alliance advocates for mandatory NCD screening

Wed, 06/04/2014

The Uganda NCD Alliance has asked the government to make testing for NCDs mandatory for every Ugandan. 

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US health groups praise plain cigarette packaging plan

Tue, 06/03/2014

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Heart Association, American Lung Association and the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids have praised the Government’s plan to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes, and criticised US business interests for challenging ‘Ireland’s life-saving policy’.

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Millions denied end-of-life drugs

Tue, 06/03/2014

Lack of access to pain relief for dying patients is a public health emergency. It is estimated that almost 18 million people died in unnecessary pain in 2012, mainly in developing countries.

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Obesity: Perception and Policy – Multi-country Review and Survey of Policymakers 2014

Mon, 06/02/2014

Last week at the European Congress on Obesity in Sofia, Bulgaria, C3 Collaborating for Health launched its latest publication, with the European Association for the Study of Obesity, entitled Obesity: Perception and Policy – Multi-country Review and Survey of Policymakers 2014.


Tobacco Control Offers Proven Public Health Benefits -Will China Seize the Opportunity?

Mon, 06/02/2014

To mark World No Tobacco Day 2014, an article was published in the Huffington Post by Sally Cowal, Senior Vice President, Global Health  at the American Cancer Society and Jeff Sturchio, Senior Partner at Rabin Martin. The blog explores the complex issues around smoking and China - touching upon the delicate balance between health and the economics of tobacco; smoking and women; and an initiative that tackles smoking in the workplace.

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