Population Reference Bureau launches report on Noncommunicable Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean: Youth Are Key to Prevention

Wed, 08/28/2013

The recently released report document the prevalence of NCDs in the Latin America and the Caribbean region, especially among the youth.

Some of the key findings include:


PAHO Launches Consultation to Select R&D Demonstration Projects

Wed, 08/21/2013

PAHO has launched a process to select research and development (R&D) projects that contain innovative coordination and financing mechanisms to accelerate the development of medicines and necessary health technologies in middle- and low-income countries.

To help inform the process, PAHO is hosting a civil society online forum on August 23rd for the development of a small number demonstration projects that will test innovative approaches to coordination and financing for diseases primarily affecting low and middle income countries.


2014 World Congress of Cardiology: Call for abstracts

Mon, 08/19/2013

The World Heart Federation is now accepting abstract submissions for their 2014 World Congress of Cardiology. The Congress will take place 4-7 May 2014, in Melbourne, Australia.

Click here for guidelines and to submit your abstract.


New infographic on CVD and physical activity

Fri, 08/16/2013

The World Heart Federation has launched a new infopraphic on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and physical activity. CVD, including heart attacks and stroke, are responsible for 17.3 million deaths per year. Physical activity is a critical one can redue their risk for CVD.

Click here to view the infographic.


Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases to fund type 2 diabetes research

Fri, 07/26/2013

The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) has announced their intention to fund landmark research into type 2 diabetes.


Provide your feedback for the World Cancer Declaration Refresh

Tue, 07/23/2013

Help better position cancer in international discussions of the broader health and development community by providing your comments by 2 August 2013 on the UICC World Cancer Declaration.

Click here to read the WCD and provide comments.


Rwanda: NCD progress through partnership, better data

Tue, 07/16/2013

16 July (Kigali, Rwanda) - Partners at the NCD Synergies meeting in Kigali discussed the way to improve NCD prevention and care through liaising with stakeholders, as wella s the need for improved data on the NCD burden.

Click here to read a summary via The New Times.

Click here to learn more about the meeting.


New World Bank Report: The Challenge of NCDs and Road Traffic Injuries in Sub-Saharan Africa

Thu, 07/11/2013

The rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes mellitus, cancers, and chronic respiratory diseases – poses a growing health challenge for Africa; this is compounded by the rise in road traffic injuries (RTIs). Yet, in contrast to communicable diseases, Africa’s epidemic of NCDs and RTIs remains largely hidden.


WHO Press Release: Obesity the “new norm”

Fri, 07/05/2013

The WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020 kicked off yesterday with high-level goverment participants and relevant members of civil society.


Click here for the full WHO press release


Statement to WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and NCDs

Thu, 07/04/2013

The NCD Alliance with 6 other international and European organisations supported a joint statement delivered by the World Cancer Research Fund, to the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and Non-Communicable Diseases.

The statement highlights the progresses that have been made in recent months in defining the global architecture for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, including targets and key policy commitments for unhealthy diet and obesity.

