Take action to further the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs

The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs was launched at the second Global NCD Alliance Forum on the 10th of December 2017.

Here are a few things you can do to take action and further the Agenda in your country:

Get the word out on social media

Don’t forget to share the Agenda with your friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and elsewhere. Feel free to use or adapt some of the sample messages below, and remember to include #NCDvoices:

Get in touch with the NCD alliance in your country

Take a look at this full list of alliances.  If there is one, get in touch to discuss this initiative and discuss how you can become more involved in their NCD prevention and control advocacy activities. Write to us at ourviewsourvoices@ncdalliance.org if you’d like an introduction.

Consider starting an NCD alliance in your country

If there isn’t an NCD alliance in your country – consider starting one up! You can find the NCD Alliance’s Practical Guide on how to do this online.

Make your voice louder

Newspapers, blogs, radio shows, and television programmes are fantastic ways of carrying advocacy messages to a broader audience. 

Consider writing an article, recording a video or making an appearance in the media where you can speak about your personal experience, share the Advocacy Agenda of People Living NCDs and call for increased action on NCDs in your country. 

The NCD Alliance blog, for example, is always open for submissions (reach out to ourviewsourvoices@ncdalliance.org if you are keen to contribute, and see the blog author blog guide here). 

Some questions to think about might include: How have people living with NCDs already made an impact? Why should policymakers be interested? What could ‘furthering the Agenda’ look like in your community?

Share your story

Share your story on the WHO’s platform NCDs & Me and highlight why it is important to further the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs and how you want to be involved in helping improve NCDs in your country. 

Call for action

Mobilise other people living with NCDs, NCD alliances, and other civil society organisations to contact government representatives like members of parliament or your ministry of health to share the Advocacy Agenda of People living with NCDs and ask them to commit to taking one specific action in each area (prevention; care, treatment and support; human rights and social justice; meaningful involvement).

Stay in touch

If you are interested in becoming a part of the Our Views, Our Voices group of people living with NCDs and receiving regular updates regarding opportunities to contribute to the NCD response, please email us at ourviewsourvoices@ncdalliance.org