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Join Us

Today, our network of 2,000 organisations includes over 1,000 member associations of our federations, joined by 1,000 global and national civil society organisations, scientific and professional associations and academic and research institutions.

Together with strategic partners, including the WHO, the United Nations (UN) and governments, the NCD Alliance works on global, regional and national levels to bring a united civil society voice to the global campaign on NCDs. Join the movement!

Join the conversation online

  • #NCDs is the hashtag that unites our cause. Use it!
  • #enoughNCDs is the hastag for NCDA’s campaign calling on governments to move beyond rhetoric, and to make concrete and action-oriented commitments for the 2019 UN HLM on UHC. Visit enoughncds.com to join ENOUGH. Our Health. Our Rigth. Right Now campaig. 

Secondary Hashtags:

  • #HealthforAll
  • #beatNCDs

Share our template messages amongst your networks - simply click on one!

The simple truth: #NCDs are the leading cause of death & disability worldwide


75% of #NCDs occur in developing countries


#NCDs: It's time to act. We have cost-efffective strategies that saves lives


#NCD prevention/control requires multisectoral approaches


Keep #health central to ensure #SDGs implementation #2030Agenda #NCDs


Protect the most vulnerable. #Equality & #Rights are key to prevent & control #NCDs 


#NCDs: The cost of inaction (US$500bn/yr) far outweighs the cost of action (US$11bn/yr) 


Become a Member

NCDA members access a range of benefits designed to enhance visibility, networking, and information-sharing to support their work. Joining gives you access to various channels and platforms for deeper engagement between partners and allies working on similar themes or sharing similar challenges, but also to a number of thematic, interest-based or regional sub-networks of the NCD community.

Learn more about NCDA membership


Consider becoming a Partner

NCDA partners are forward-thinking companies, foundations, governments, development agencies, academia and NGOs that have an international focus on NCDs and share a common interest in improving the lives of people living with NCDs globally. By partnering with NCDA, organisations have the opportunity to develop a tailored work plan with NCDA with specific deliverables and gain access to exclusive benefits through the NCDA Supporters Group.

Learn more about NCDA partnership


Join a national or regional NCD Alliance

Network with other advocates and discuss how you could create a formal or informal group to coordinate advocacy efforts. Groups of people affected by or living with NCDs can serve as powerful advocates for improved access to NCD prevention and control. Check out our directory here.


Observe a World Day for an NCD condition or risk factor such as:

World Cancer Day - February 4th

World Kidney Day - March 11th

World Endometriosis Worldwide March, 30 March

World TB Day - March 24th

Food Revolution Day - May 19th

World No Tobacco Day - May 31st

World Alzheimer's Month - September

World Heart Day - September 29th

World Pneumonia Day - November 12th

World Diabetes Day - November 14th

Check out our calendar of events for more detailed information.


Share a story

We are continually seeking stories about what people and communities are doing to prevent, treat, and advocate for NCDs and their risk factors. Write to us!


Join our weekly e-newsletter and webinars

Keep up to date with cutting edge NCD analysis and resources and discover opportunities to take action and support our campaigns through our weekly newsletter and bi-monthly webinars. Subscribe to our updates up via the links on our homepage. 


Students and Youth

Join the Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network to team up with other students and youth taking action on NCDs.


Useful resources to inspire you

Visit our Resources section to see our webinars, policy briefs, presentations, toolkits... and more. 

If you would like to explore additional ways to join the NCD movement, please contact the NCD Alliance team.