UICC online consultation on WHO Model List of Essential Medicines open

Fri, 02/19/2016

The Union for International Cancer Control is calling on its membership and other interested stakeholders to join an online consultation on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines List with respect to cancer medicines.


First global meeting of NCD Directors in Geneva

Thu, 02/18/2016

For the first time since the 2011 UN HL Summit on NCDs in New York national NCD Directors convened at WHO Headquarters in Geneva 15-17 February.


Pan American Health Organization Nutrient Profile Model launched today

Thu, 02/18/2016

The Pan American Health Organization Nutrient Profile Model was launched today in Washington DC. It is a tool to classify food and drink products that are in excess of critical nutrients such as sugars, salt, total fat, saturated fat and trans-fatty acids.


"Carbonating the World" tracks soda industry in big tobacco's global footprints

Tue, 02/09/2016

The University of Washington and the US Center for Science in the Public Interest have released today a very comprehensive report on the health impact and marketing of sugary drinks in low- and middle-income countries.


World Cancer Day 2016

Thu, 02/04/2016

Today on World Cancer Day 2016 (Thursday 4 February), the world unites against this disease that knows no borders and represents one of humanity’s most pressing and financial concerns.


New WHO report on ending childhood obesity

Wed, 02/03/2016

Together with World Cancer Research Fund International, NCD Alliance has welcomed the Final Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO), published by the World Health Organisation on 25th January 2016 during the 168th meeting of the Executive Board. 


WHO 138th Executive Board: Highlights on NCDs

Tue, 02/02/2016

Discussions at the 138th WHO Executive Board (EB) concluded on Saturday. Highlights on NCDs and other relevant agenda items are outlined here.


One week to go until World Cancer Day

Thu, 01/28/2016

World Cancer Day –taking place on 4 February – is a unique opportunity to raise awareness that there is much that can be done at an individual, community and governmental level, to harness and mobilise solutions and catalyse positive change. Over 300 activities are currently registered on the Map of Impact.


Contact Us

E-mail: info@ncdalliance.org

The NCD Alliance
31-33 Avenue Giuseppe Motta
1202 Geneva

Telephone: +41 22 809 1811


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