GCM Papers open for review and comment

Thu, 04/21/2016

Working Groups are being convened under the WHO GCM/NCD to produce recommendations to Governments on NCD prevention & control. Background papers are now available for review.


NCDs front and centre at Women Deliver 2016

Wed, 04/20/2016

For the first time, NCDs will be prominently featured at Women Deliver's fourth global conference, taking place from 16 - 19 May in Copenhagen.


UNGASS 2016: Member States call for a human-rights and public health based approach

Wed, 04/20/2016

Member States call for a progressive, human-rights and public health based approach to addressing the drug problem.


ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development

Wed, 04/20/2016

Yesterday concluded the inaugural ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development, which was held 18 - 20 April at UNHQ in New York.


Health advocates call on Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to stop opposing policies that protect public health

Wed, 04/20/2016

Health groups from around the globe are calling on Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to adopt and enforce a policy of not marketing sugar drinks to children aged 16 and under


Our fatal error: Are we looking at the right NCD outcomes?

NCDs are a group of conditions that cannot be truly reflected by death outcomes, yet measurement systems really only judge success on death. Have we missed an opportunity to reshape how we see and measure “health”?


Barcelona Declaration for Habitat 3 is available online

Thu, 04/14/2016

Following on from the Habitat III Thematic Meeting on Public Space in Barcelona on 4 and 5 April, the Barcelona Declaration has been finalised and is now available online. 


First national CSO consultation on NCDs in India

Thu, 04/14/2016

This 25th to the 27th April, the Healthy India Alliance will be holding the first national CSO Consultation on NCDs, in New Delhi.


NCD advocacy: Why youth should be involved, and how you can help

My name is ‘Lola James; I am a young leader from Nigeria, and I'm 101% committed to reducing preventable deaths due to cancer and other NCDs.

Out of the shadows: Making mental health a global priority

Wed, 04/13/2016

A two-day series of events, co-hosted by the World Bank and the World Health Organization during the World Bank-International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings, aims to move mental health from the margins to the mainstream of the global development agenda.

