2018: Juntos contra las ENT y la TB

Hoy, 24 de marzo es el Día Mundial de la Tuberculosis. Un día ideal para hablar no solo de la TB, sino también de los vínculos entre TB y ENT, y la necesidad de una respuesta integrada.


Reunión de Alto Nivel de la ONU sobre ENT: Lo que necesitas saber

Thu, 03/22/2018

La Reunión de Alto Nivel de la ONU sobre ENT es una oportunidad única para que los gobiernos demuestren qué han logrado para las ENT. Aquí, una lista de acciones de campaña para tu alianza.


Dites « Ahh » pour une bouche et un corps en bonne santé

Mon, 03/19/2018

La Journée mondiale de la santé bucco-dentaire (WOHD) 2018, le 20 mars, marque le lancement de la campagne triennale Say « Ahh ». Conçue par la Fédération dentaire internationale (FDI), la campagne est destinée à sensibiliser sur la nécessité d’une bouche en bonne santé pour assurer une bonne santé générale et une bonne qualité de vie.


2018 is the year to stand together against NCDs and TB

24 March is World TB Day. This is an ideal day to shine a light not only on TB, but also on the links between TB and NCDs. These two epidemics need an integrated response if we are to beat them. 


Healthy India Alliance: Promoting sub-national civil society action on NCDs in India

Thu, 03/22/2018

The Healthy India Alliance (HIA) for the prevention and control of NCDs was launched in 2015 and provides a platform to both health and non-health civil society organisations (CSOs) in India to advance the agenda of NCD prevention and control.


East Africa NCD Alliance gears up to make the most of 2018

Thu, 03/22/2018
The East African NCD Alliance (EA NCDA) promotes regional cooperation between the NCD Alliances of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar to provide a coordinated platform for addressing NCDs at sub-national, national and sub-regional levels.

Preparing for the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs: What you need to know

Thu, 03/22/2018

The UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs is a unique opportunity for governments to showcase how they have progressed on NCDs. Here is a list of campaign actions that national and regional NCD alliances can take.


Maldives NCD Alliance takes aim at HLM advocacy opportunities

Thu, 03/22/2018

The Maldives Non-Communicable Disease Alliance was officially registered under the Maldives Associations Act of 2003, at the Ministry of Home Affairs, on 28th September 2017.


East Africa NCD Alliance gears up to make the most of 2018

Thu, 03/22/2018

The East African NCD Alliance (EA NCDA) promotes regional cooperation between the NCD Alliances of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar to provide a coordinated platform for addressing NCDs at sub-national, national and sub-regional levels.


Di 'Ahh' para una boca sana y cuerpo

Mon, 03/19/2018

En el Día Mundial de la Salud Oral 2018, hoy 20 de marzo, la Federación Dental Internacional (IED) lanza la campaña ‘Dí Ahh'  para mantener la salud bucal y la calidad de vida en general, por 3 años.

