WHF opens nominations for Emerging Leaders 2014-2015

5 de septiembre de 2014

On 1 September 2014, nominations opened for the 2014-15 cohort of Emerging Leaders. Candidates may be nominated by a World Heart Federation member organization, or submit an application directly themselves.

Each year’s group works around a theme set by the World Heart Federation, which focuses on a key CVD priority area. The theme for 2014-15 will be ‘raised blood pressure’.

There is a 30-day window to apply for the programme. For full eligibility criteria and further details about nominating a candidate or applying individually, please click here.

Emerging Leaders form a long-term cadre of CVD experts who join forces and share expertise to help the CVD community reach its ‘25 by 25’ goal (reducing mortality from CVD by 25% by 2025). To find out more take a look at the World Heart Federation video.