Submit input for NCDA Partners Report

The NCD Alliance Partners Report provides an essential overview of key updates and most recent developments in the NCD space. It has been designed to allow a quick and easy access to topline information you need to be aware of regarding NCDs.

Here you are invited to submit your inputs for the 'Partners Corner' section of the next Partners Report.

Please note that we may also include your updates on the NCDA Members' Bulletin, which is sent to NCDA members and NCD alliances every two months.

We welcome your contributions at any time, however we cannot always guarantee publication and we do reserve the right to make editorial changes to fit the format.

Input content
Maximum 15 words.
Maximum 100 words.
Image (optional)
Here you may attach a high-resolution image to accompany your update, with copyright permission to use. The header image must have a wide/landscape orientation. Recommended size: 1800x750 px.
Files must be less than 8 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Your information and input submission
NCDA reserves the right to edit content provided. For minor edits, such as correcting spelling and grammar, and basic structure, we will publish without contacting the author. Should there be more significant changes required that deviate from this submission, we will refer back to the author for approval before publishing.
Enter the characters shown in the image.