Release of NCD Alliance Briefing Paper: NCDs and Sustainable Development

18 de abril de 2012


The upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) is an opportune time to outline NCDs and health as a critical development issue. The NCD Alliance has called for any outcome document from Rio+20 to include the prior recognition of health within the context of sustainable development, health as fundamental to sustainable development, and the need to integrate health policies into policies and programs designed to address the emerging challenges identified by the Rio+20 process.

With this position, the NCD Alliance has produced a briefing paper outlining how NCDs are linked to sustainable development given the three pillars- economic, social and environmental.  This briefing focuses on how NCDs affect sustainable development and highlights links between NCDs and three of the seven Rio+20 priority areas. It calls for NCD prevention and control to be integrated into sustainable development policies and programs.

We encourage members of the NCD Alliance network to utilize this briefing paper in  your advocacy efforts to encourage their country governments to include strong language for health and more specifically NCDs in the final outcome document of Rio +20 and beyond.


Click here to download the full Briefing Paper

Click here to download the Summary for Advocates


For Background Materials please check out:

An Abbreviated Guide to Rio +20

Key Language on NCDs and Sustainable Development

Background Briefing Dialogue on the Global Development Agenda