NCD Alliance / Resources / Statements, Submissions & Briefings

Statements, Submissions & Briefings

Key advocacy documents to support the NCD Alliance campaigns in global fora.

This section lists documents prepared by NCD Alliance team for WHO World Health Assemblies, Executive Boards and Regional Committee Meetings, UN NCD Summit and Reviews, Sustainable Development Goals, and other multilateral & bilateral campaigns.

Statements, Submissions & Briefings

  • Draft resolution: Agenda item 6.6 on global burden of epilepsy

    Draft resolution: Agenda item 6.6 on global burden of epilepsy

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (179.43kB)  |  29th January 2015

    Global burden of epilepsy and the need for coordinated action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications. Draft resolution proposed by Maldives, People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation.

  • Statement: Progress on NCD prevention and control

    Statement: Progress on NCD prevention and control

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (82.34kB)  |  29th January 2015

    Agenda Item 6.4: Follow-up to the 2014 high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to under-take a comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of NCDs.

  • Advocacy briefing: WHO Executive Board 136

    Advocacy briefing: WHO Executive Board 136

    WHO Regional Committee Meetings
    (376.51kB)  |  25th January 2015

    During the Regional Committee meetings, NCDA is coordinating representation to ensure a strong civil society voice is present on any discussions on NCDs, and is producing statements to be delivered.

  • Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity

    Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity

    WHO World Health Assemblies
     |  25th January 2015

    Statement by the World Heart Federation on behalf of the NCD Alliance 68th World Health Assembly Agenda Item 13.3 Update on the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity, May 2015.

  • NCD Alliance statement

    NCD Alliance statement

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (409.76kB)  |  21st January 2015

    Agenda Item 7.1: Monitoring of the achievement of the health-related Millennium Development Goals.

  • NCD Alliance statement

    NCD Alliance statement

    WHO Executive Board Meetings
    (85.16kB)  |  21st January 2015

    Agenda Item 6.1: Outcome of the Second International Conference on Nutrition.

  • ICN2: Rome Declaration on Nutrition

    ICN2: Rome Declaration on Nutrition

    UN NCD Summit & Reviews
    (172.94kB)  |  03rd January 2015

    Conference Outcome Document: Rome Declaration on Nutrition

  • ICN2: Call to action on nutrition & NCDs

    ICN2: Call to action on nutrition & NCDs

     |  01st December 2014

    A call to Member States to include in their statements to the Second International Conference on Nutrition an outline of specific time-bound and measurable actions they will implement to advance the Rome Declaration commitments.