Web-based consultation on Outcome Document for WHO Global Conference on NCDs open now

11th August 2017

The draft outcome document for the WHO Global Conference on NCDs to be held 18-20 October in Montevideo, Uruguay is now available online. The outcome document, called the Montevideo Roadmap 2018-2030 on NCDs as a Sustainable Development Priority, will be negotiated by Member States starting 29 August to be finalised before the end of September. 

The draft conference outcome document for the WHO Global Conference on NCDs is open for web-based public consultation from today 11 August to Friday 25 August on WHO’s website, and WHO invites comments to policycoherence2017@who.int.

Next steps - NCD Alliance response

NCD Alliance is currently preparing a set of key advocacy messages on the Roadmap that we will share with our network for targeted Member States advocacy mid next week. We encourage you to adapt these messages in your own Member States advocacy on the Roadmap. In addition, we will prepare a detailed response to the web-based consultation for which we welcome your feedback. We encourage you to structure your comments around the following questions:

  • Taking into consideration the current political climate, do you agree with the level of ambition of the Montevideo Roadmap? If not, how would you like to see the Roadmap improved (e.g. new commitments, reiterating commitments, stronger language, shorter or longer document etc.)?
  • Given the conference’s focus on policy coherence, how could the Roadmap better advance this critical enabler/barrier without pre-empting commitments to be made at the 2018 UN HLM?
  • In your view, do you find that the issue of economic (or “commercial”) determinants has been addressed sufficient and adequately in the current draft Roadmap? If not, how can it be?
  • Do you have other comments you wish to share?

Please submit comments to Alena Matzke by Friday 18 August.