Nutritionist Teresa Silica Bernardi, from Hospital Infantil at Mexico City, talks about healthy diets with Leticia Martinez Gaytán, who is recovering from obesity, October 2017. @ NCD Alliance

Web-based consultation open until 12 October

28th September 2016

The Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly, having considered the report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity, requested the Director-General to develop, in consultation with Member States  and relevant stakeholders, an implementation plan guiding further action on the recommendations included in the Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity.
The purpose of this consultation is to gather feedback from Member States and relevant stakeholders in advance of finalization of the Implementation Plan to be submitted, through the Executive Board at its 140th session, for consideration by the Seventieth World Health Assembly (2017).
The Draft Implementation Plan is now available at , and will remain open for the web-based consultation until 12 October 2016. 
Kindly send your feedback to and please share this opportunity to contribute to the development of the Implementation Plan with other interested stakeholders.