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Web Consultation: WHO GCM/NCD Working Groups Draft Interim Reports

24th August 2016

Draft Interim Reports emerging from the ongoing WHO GCM/NCD Working Groups on the inclusion of NCDs in other programmatic areas (Working Group 3.1, 2016-2017) and on the alignment of international cooperation with national plans on NCDs (Working Group 3.2, 2016-2017), are now available for comment. The consultation is open to Member States, UN organisations, and civil society.
The draft Interim Reports contain preliminary recommendations and policy options. Comments on these drafts will inform the Working Groups to finalise their conclusions and recommendations before submitting final reports to the WHO Director-General by the end of 2016. 
The deadline for submission of feedback is 16 September 2016. Comments should be sent to gcmncd@who.int with “Web-based consultation on Working Group 3.1 interim report” or “Web-based consultation on Working Group 3.2 interim report” in the subject line.