© FIC Argentina

Tobacco control and the human right to health

23rd March 2016

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will held on 5 April, in Washington DC, a thematic hearing to discuss the issue of the tobacco epidemic in the Americas as a human rights problem. This represents a milestone in the field of public health, since it is the first time that the IACHR grants an audience about tobacco control.

The hearing will address the need to advance in the implementation of tobacco control policies in the Americas, and to regulate the behavior of transnational tobacco companies who deploy corporative practices that block the effective protection of the human right to health.

NCDA is pleased to support this joint initiative by Fundación Interamericana del Corazón Argentina (FIC Argentina), the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law of the Georgetown University, and Action On Smoking & Health (ASH).

If your organization would like to support this initiative, please, sign up the document "Civil society organizations request the IACHR to recognize tobacco control policies as a tool to protect the human right to health" here

For more information contact institutional@ficargentina.org