Our Views, Our Voices Global Consultation (2020)

Our Views, Our Voices Global Consultation 2020 is now open!

As part of the Our Views, Our Voices initiative, the NCD Alliance is currently consulting with people living with NCDs (PLWNCDs) through an online survey to gather first-hand experiences of impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for governments to Build Back Better through strong, equitable and people-centred health systems.   

The intersections between COVID-19 and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are clear, including the particular vulnerabilities of people living with NCDs to the COVID-19 pandemic. Perspectives of PLWNCDs are essential to understand current challenges and to boost efforts to strengthen health systems for NCD prevention and control and to protect people’s ability to lead healthy lives.

What is this global consultation about?

The consultation survey is seeking views and perspectives of people living with NCDs, including care partners, and aims to: 

  • Gather first-hand insights on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • Inform advocacy at the global, regional and national levels to address NCDs as part of and beyond the COVID-19 response.
  • Inform a Global Charter on the Meaningful Involvement of People Living with NCDs planned for 2021, aiming to promote an NCD response that puts people first.

Add your voice, have your say – ACT on NCDs!

Here’s how you can complete the consultation survey

  • You can access the consultation survey here.
  • The consultation survey is available in three languages: EnglishSpanish or French. You can choose your preferred language at the start of the survey by clicking on the drop-down option on the top right-hand corner of the main survey page.
  • The consultation survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.        

Consultation Deadline

When and where can you access the consultation results

The consultation results will be available on an interactive online dashboard to be launched in December 2020. Based on the respondents’ consent, answers provided in this survey, such as quotes or any data, may be referenced or directly included in NCD Alliance’s advocacy and communications materials.

Thank you in advance for all your contributions. Stronger, Together!

This Our Views, Our Voices global consultation with people living with NCDs is possible thanks to NCD Alliance’s partnership with Access Accelerated.