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Overview of NCD-themed events at UNGA72

15th September 2017

The high-level segment of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly opens in New York next week. NCDA is hosting a side event on Monday 18 Sept from 6-7:30pm, entitled Breaking Down Silos, Building Synergies: Implementing NCDs in the SDG Era.

This side event will bring together speakers from different sectors to discuss the need for integrated action to achieve global NCD targets, the investments needed to drive forward that action, and 'win-win' solutions. Please RSVP here.

On Thursday 14 September, the new President of the General Assembly (PGA), Miroslav Lajčák, outlined his  focus during his tenure - conflict prevention, peace, migration, and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet under the theme ‘Focusing on people: striving for peace and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet.’ As part of this overarching theme, the PGA identified six priorities, as follows: people; peace and prevention; migration; the SDGs and climate action; human rights; and quality.

In addition to the NCD Alliance event, there are several other NCD-related side events taking place. Below is a snapshot of these events. For a more detailed list of NCD and health-related events, please see the NCD Alliance calendar of side events.


Monday 18 September 

Ensuring a better future for all: Reaching the SDG target on NCDs by elevating partnerships, gender and technical assistance

Co-hosted by the Government of Denmark and WHO

11:30am - 1:00pm | Conference Room 11, UN Headquarters

RSVP here


The Next Frontier for Access to NCDs: Coalition Launch Event

Co-hosted by PATH, Ministries of Health of Kenya and Uganda, NCD Alliance, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, RTI International, World Heart Federation, NCD Child, and others

3:00 - 5:00pm, followed by a reception | Madison Ballroom, The Westin Grand Central

RSVP here


Tuesday 19 September

Health, Global Goals, and Non-communicable Diseases: A Healthy, Safe Environment for Children & Youth

Co-hosted by NCD Child, NCD Alliance, International Pediatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics

12:00 - 1:45pm | The Westin Grand Central

RSVP here


Friday 22 September

Childhood Obesity – A Development Time-bomb: Learning from SIDS to accelerate multi-sectoral action in support of the 2025 NCDs targets and the SDGs

Co-hosted by Permanent Mission of Barbados, Permanent Mission of Canada, The 

Caribbean Community (CARICOM), The Pacific Island States (PSIDS), WHO, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC)

1:15 - 3:30pm | Trusteeship Council Chamber, UN Headquarters

RSVP via email to prun@foreign.gov.bb


The NCD Alliance team will be present throughout the high-level week and will be sharing updates via social media. Follow us to stay up to date with the latest news.