®Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)

25 September: A day for lung health advocacy and action - get the tools!

12th July 2019

World Lung Day (WLD), 25 September, is a day for lung health advocacy and action, an opportunity for us all to unite and promote better lung health globally.

Just two days before WLD, on 23 September, the UN High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will take place. UHC calls for all people to receive the health services they need, when they need it, without suffering financial hardship.

This year we are asking organisations to raise awareness of the burden of respiratory disease, whilst advocating for UHC. The global spotlight on UHC represents an opportunity for substantial progress in the fight against lung disease around the world.

WLD messaging includes 'Leave no one behind' - on #WorldLungDay call for HEALTHY LUNGS FOR ALL.

How to get involved:

  • Email your logo to Lisa Roscoe (lisa.roscoe@firsnet.org) to join as a WLD partner
  • Download and use WLD toolkit materials
  • Make a WLD pledge and share it on social media using #WorldLungDay
  • Sign the Charter for Lung Health
  • If you’re planning a WLD event, send details to Lisa Roscoe
  • Please like our Facebook Page and follow us on Twitter (links below)