Alliance sur les MNT / Ressources


  • Global Charter on Meaningful Involvement of People Living with noncommunicable diseases

    Global Charter on Meaningful Involvement of People Living with noncommunicable diseases

    Documents de politique générale
     |  17 septembre 2021

    The Global Charter on Meaningful Involvement of People living with NCDs rallies all actors such as governments, international institutions, civil society and the private sector to put people at the centre and leave no one behind.

  • A Global NCD Agenda for Resilience and Recovery from COVID-19

    A Global NCD Agenda for Resilience and Recovery from COVID-19

    Documents de politique générale
     |  17 septembre 2021

    The Global NCD Agenda for Resilience and Recovery from COVID-19 aims to reach policymakers seeking to build back fairer. The 12 recommendations are intended to support leaders and decision-makers to step up equitable, cost-effective policy action and investment to strengthen population health and build more resilient health systems.

  • LA PROTECTION DE TOUS: Intégration des maladies non transmissibles à la couverture sanitaire universelle au temps de la COVID-19

    LA PROTECTION DE TOUS: Intégration des maladies non transmissibles à la couverture sanitaire universelle au temps de la COVID-19

    Documents de politique générale
     |  10 août 2021

    Ce rapport de recherche sur les politiques décrit les progrès réalisés à ce jour dans le monde pour intégrer les MNT dans les régimes de CSU.

  • NCD Alliance July 2021 Webinar - 13/07/2021

    NCD Alliance July 2021 Webinar - 13/07/2021

    Séminaires virtuels
     |  13 juillet 2021

    This webinar covered a recap of the NCD-related outcomes at the 74th session of the World Health Assembly, an overview of the High-Level Political Forum 2021, and an outlook on advocacy opportunities for 2021 and 2022.

  • Points de pression: appel à une action simultanée sur le diabètes et l'hypertension

    Points de pression: appel à une action simultanée sur le diabètes et l'hypertension

    Documents de politique générale
     |  21 juin 2021

    Le diabète et l’hypertension artérielle coexistent souvent, et ces deux maladies sont liées à un vaste éventail d’autres MNT, en raison de complications ou parce qu’elles sont déclenchées par les mêmes facteurs de risque. Ce document de politique générale plaide donc en faveur d’une action simultanée sur ces deux maladies, qui donne l’occasion aux décideurs d’obtenir un impact positif exponentiel sur le bien-être, le renforcement des systèmes sanitaires et le développement durable.

  • NCD Alliance Board Response to Independent Evaluation - April 2021

    NCD Alliance Board Response to Independent Evaluation - April 2021

    Rapports annuels & Plans stratégiques
    (807.60kB)  |  20 mai 2021

    In 2020, the NCD Alliance (NCDA) commissioned Global Health Visions (GHV) to undertake an independent evaluation of NCDA’s efforts to achieve its aims and objectives as set out in its 2016–2020 Strategic Plan, and to provide strategic and organisational recommendations to inform NCDA’s strategic planning process for 2021–2026. This document presents the NCDA Board’s response to the GHV independent evaluation recommendations, including decisions on next steps and timelines.

  • Global Health Visions - NCDA Independent Review

    Global Health Visions - NCDA Independent Review

    Rapports annuels & Plans stratégiques
    (807.60kB)  |  20 mai 2021

    Global Health Visions (GHV) was commissioned by the NCD Alliance to carry out an independent, external review of our efforts to achieve our aims and objectives as set out in its 2016–2020 Strategic Plan, and to provide strategic and organisational recommendations to inform the strategic planning process for 2021–2026. GHV’s review sought to gather diverse perspectives on the NCD Alliance’s organisational development, overall impact, most remarkable achievements, and key challenges or missed opportunities over the past five years.

  • PLAN on NCD Prevention / Advocacy Institute - Workshop on alcohol advocacy

    PLAN on NCD Prevention / Advocacy Institute - Workshop on alcohol advocacy

    Séminaires virtuels
     |  29 Mars 2021

    This workshop delivered by Movendi International, as part of the PLAN on NCD Prevention and the Advocacy Institute, provided an overview of the global and regional situation on alcohol harm, increase understanding of the current context for alcohol advocacy (e.g., development of an action plan on alcohol), as well as discussed and identified opportunities at national and global levels for civil society to conduct advocacy on alcohol control.
