NCD Alliance / Resources / Publications & Multimedia

Publications & Multimedia

Find all the NCD Alliance publications and the most recent global data on NCDs.

This section includes the latest NCD Alliance publications, such as policy briefs and analysis, progress tracking and advocacy toolkits, and our annual reports.

Publications & Multimedia

  • Mental Atlas 2011

    Mental Atlas 2011

    NCD Global Data
    (6.79MB)  |  10th October 2011

    New figures from the WHO Mental Health Atlas 2011 indicate that while the need for mental health care is large, with up to 25% of the population requiring it at some point in their lives, there is underinvestment in the sector. The Atlas shows average global spending on mental health is still less than US$ 3 per capita per year and as little as US$ 0.25 per person per year in low-income countries.

  • The NCD Alliance Summary and Analysis of the Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of NCDs

    The NCD Alliance Summary and Analysis of the Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of NCDs

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
    (67.41kB)  |  05th October 2011

    UN Member States unanimously adopted the Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases on Monday 19 September 2011 during the opening of the High-level Meeting (HLM) on NCDs at the UN in New York. NCDA closely followed the drafting of the Political Declaration, advocating for specific NCD policy “asks” to ensure Member States produced the most comprehensive and effective document possible. While not all NCDA asks were included in the Declaration, it provides a strong foundation that will accelerate international efforts to prevent and control NCDs and provide a roadmap for action on NCDs worldwide.

  • WHO: Unite in the fight against NCDs (2011)

    WHO: Unite in the fight against NCDs (2011)

     |  26th September 2011

    Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) like heart disease and stroke, diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease kill 36 million people every year . This need not happen. World leaders will meet to address the problem at the United Nations in New York in September 2011. Will your country be there? [Video released by WHO on the eve of the UN High Level Meeting on NCDs in September 2011, where the Poltical Declaration on NCDs was agreed]

  • UN High Level Meeting on NCDs - Final Political Declaration 2011

    UN High Level Meeting on NCDs - Final Political Declaration 2011

    Key Political Commitments
    (67.14kB)  |  23rd September 2011

    Political declaration of the High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, September 2011

  • UN High Level Meeting on NCDSs - Full Country Statements

    UN High Level Meeting on NCDSs - Full Country Statements

    Key Political Commitments
    (956.15kB)  |  19th September 2011
  • UN High Level Meeting on NCDs - Final Political Declaration - Russian

    UN High Level Meeting on NCDs - Final Political Declaration - Russian

    Key Political Commitments
    (280.60kB)  |  16th September 2011

    Политическая декларация совещания высокого уровня Генеральной Ассамблеи по профилактике неинфекционных заболеваний и борьбе с ними.

  • UN High Level Meeting on NCDs  - Final Political Declaration - Mandarin

    UN High Level Meeting on NCDs - Final Political Declaration - Mandarin

    Key Political Commitments
     |  16th September 2011

    大会主席提交的决议草案 大会关于预防和控制非传染性疾病问题高级别会议的政治 宣言